Thursday 28 February 2013

Today was bad news into good news. I woke to a txt that you had been rushed to a hospital in London, St Georges in Tooting, & was informed you had emergency surgery at 6am. The nurses had detected at 11pm last night that something wasnt right, they were concerned as your pupils were very dilated which is a sign of pressure & swelling of the brain. They made the decision to transfer u to a specialist hospital with a surgeon who worked miracles as St Georges is one of very few hospitals with a hyper-acute stroke unit , the hospital offers specialist care to alot of trauma medical emergencies. Laura tells me that the footballer Muamba was transferred to St Georges in his trauma & look how inspiring his story his is!! :) The consultant said it is so very rare they have available beds in there Neurological ICU (Atkinson Morley ward ICU) & that Worthings Drs worked extremely hard to secure you the best care. It took a long time for them to secure the place & get you stable to move in an ambulance, your mama was so impressed u were granted full blues & twos all the way to London babe. Your mama had stayed with you that evening & was again going to sleep by your side, Alli was with you as soon as she knew you were in trouble. They held your hands through their fears & spoke positively to you, gave you courage & strength & let you know to not fear. You sadly had a fit & they stayed strong & held you whilst you calmed, they were so amazing & stayed with you until the final moments when you were taken away. You almost immediately went into surgery in London & were operated on for approx two & a half hours. The operation was to reduce the swelling on your brain by removing a crescent shaped part of your skull on the right hand side. You have had skin grafted over this & your skull will stay slightly open for six months & then you will have a metal plate put in so you will be setting off all those airport detectors when we go away! We have been told you will have to wear a protective helmet for those six months that your skull is open, this made Laura talk of the head brace you used to have as a teenager, same as Sam! Its so very sad, Sam & Laura are in Iceland and have still not been told, they are home tomorrow so we will focus on them & be together at mums in the evening. We are all so dis-believing & coping in such different ways. Poor Michael is just so sensitive & feels so massively positive for you but has alot of fear himself in how he feels. He questions whether he is allowed to feel sad as he should be being strong bless him. Joss has been in to see you & said you looked so much better than yesterday & when he told you he loved you, you managed to squeeze his hand even through ur weariness. That had everyone in tears of hope & love. His family have been so amazingly kind & have all been praying for you & lighting candles, they have called on all their family members to pray for you too. So very special & loving, all around the world you are being thought of. 
With Evelyn having her contact time with Roger it was a good time for the girls to get some rest. Your mum just hasnt slept & we have been worried for her. For a family of food lovers we have all struggled to eat but Kaylea went to Sainsburys & brought heaps of lovely foods & plated it up so noone had an option to excuse eating today. We have been thinking of you every minute of the day & sending so much love & positive thoughts to you. Your mum said through her tears that we will savour today as a good day. You are again out of a critical condition & fighting so hard & we are beyond proud of your abilities through such trauma. Your body is brilliant really & has shown obvious signs of stress or strength to help the nurses assess you. You are still able to move slightly even after the consultant said he cant promise you will regain movement on your left side, well you mums wise words are " We will prove you wrong, she will prove you wrong." We arent naive to the strain your body has been put through & we know that it will be a slow process but we are all here for you & its amazing really the closeness you realise your family has in times like this. You would be so happy Carly, we have all stayed so well in each others presence. We are supporting each other & even in times of our own sadness & weak spirit we are all easily lifted by another. Your dad has been with you today so your mum can get much needed sleep tonight in order to be bright for visiting tomorrow. All the girls are heading up with Joss to see you tomorrow as Evelyn will be a nursery with Grace & me, Joey & mama will be picking her up for some fun up the field with Jaspey boo & the horses. Joss has been honest with the girls about what to expect, you have a lot of machines working for you just now to ease your brains tasks of having to function your body. U have a breathing tube in & are sedated due to this & to promote sleep & rest. The sedatives will apparently induce amnesia which sounds distressing but for now its what your body needs & Im glad almost that you will not remember any trauma you may be feeling. Your emotions to this have been a great worry to me but as you have been sedated you will be finding it hard to attach emotions to the trauma so in a way thats great. (Wikipedia has been a great source to me this week, it really is amazing the research you can retrieve of this site!!). I have been told also that your piercings are still in but your plugs were taken out so Alli put on list of items for your bag, a new pair of plugs as you would hate for the nurses to see your cats bums!! hehe. All us girls plus Jaspey were at your mums today just talking & smiling of thoughts of you. Laura was talking of getting you into the olympics in Brazil & you have three years to train but still have not chosen your sport, what would it be?? We were laughing at little tales we remembered & as you had your hair shaved on the left side of your head we all discussed shaving ours to be like you & create a fundraiser to gain funds for any therapy you may need or maybe even another Florida trip next year, Im not so into this quest but Kaylea, Alli & Lorraine have all said they would so remind them of that wont you!! Jasper slept for over an hour on Laura, she felt so lucky for this but when he awoke he found the bloody noisy motorbike. It was so amusing us talking & seeing him creeping up the dining hall so slowly with his weight stopping it & the noise over powering our chat. Laura says you hated this bike & hid it on so many occasions. haha! Evelyn came back from Rogers & was so happy to see her Jaspey & Lella then Grace was due to be picked up. The kids played & Jasper showed Evelyn the birds he saw in the garden. See pics ( and excuse the pink dressing gown-he matched nanny today-but we all had a slouchy pj day & he wanted Darceys gown not his*) I have felt such exhaustion today & once I got home this evening I just needed some time alone & went for a walk on the beach front. It was dark & freezing cold but I so needed that time & after sitting looking at the sea & regaining my positive thoughts I went home feeling lifted. Mum had a txt from her friend Chris saying that she saw Nan & Grampy with you, she hadnt been told by this point of your stroke. It was so overwhelming to hear so made me burst a little with my emotions but I write this with light again knowing you are being looked after so well & with such love & light embracing you. We are fortunate for the amazing team of Drs, nurses & specialists who are keeping you so well. Love & light sweetheart**

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